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beam output中文是什么意思

用"beam output"造句"beam output"怎么读"beam output" in a sentence


  • 射线束放射量
  • "beam"中文翻译    n. 1.梁,栋梁,桁条;(船的)横梁。 2.船幅;(动 ...
  • "output"中文翻译    n. 1.产量;生产,出产,产品。 2.【医学】(粪便以 ...
  • "output beam" 中文翻译 :    输出光束; 输出束
  • "collimated output beam" 中文翻译 :    平行输出光束
  • "output beam coupling" 中文翻译 :    输出光束耦合
  • "output beam energy" 中文翻译 :    输出光束能量
  • "output beam power" 中文翻译 :    输出电子束功率; 输出光束功率
  • "output neutron beam" 中文翻译 :    输出中子束
  • "and output" 中文翻译 :    与输出
  • "if output" 中文翻译 :    中频输出
  • "not output" 中文翻译 :    非输出; 非"输出
  • "output" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.产量;生产,出产,产品。 2.【医学】(粪便以外的)排泄物;排泄量。 3.【电学】发电力,输出功率;供给量。 4.输出信号。 monthly output 月产量。 the output of a factory 工厂产品。 the literary output of the year 当年文艺作品。 a sudden output of effort 奋发。
  • "beam" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.梁,栋梁,桁条;(船的)横梁。 2.船幅;(动物、人的)体幅。 3.(秤)杆,杠杆,(织机的)卷轴,经轴;(鹿角的)主干;车辕;犁柄;锄把。 4.(光线的)束,道,柱;【物理学】波束,射束。 5.(笑容、表情等的)焕现。 6.【无线电】有效播听范围。 7.【航空】信号电波,指向电波。 a beam of light 一束光线。 the common beam 标准秤;准则。 beam and scales 天平。 a beam of delight 高兴的表情,笑逐颜开。 an erector beam 【火箭】(发射时调整导弹位置的)千斤顶。 radio beam 无线电领航信号。 a landing beam 【航空】降落指示波。 abaft the beam = before the beam. a beam in one's eye 自己本身的大缺点〔与他人目中之刺相比,自己眼中有梁,源出《圣经》马太福音〕。 before the beam 【航海】正横前。 broad in the beam 〔口语〕臀部阔大。 fly the beam 【航空】按指向电波飞行。 fly the wet beam 【航空】顺着河流飞行。 kick [strike] the beam 1. (秤一方)翘起;过轻,不足抗衡,无足轻重。 2. 输,遭受失败。 off the beam 脱离航向,不顺利;不对头;做错。 on the beam 1. 【航海】与龙骨垂直地,正横地。 2. 在航向上;对头,做对。 on the port [larboard] beam 【航海】左舷正横前。 on the starboard beam 【航海】右舷正横前。 on the weather beam 【航海】迎着正横风。 ride the beam = fly the beam. vi. 1.辐射,发光,闪光。 2.微笑,眉开眼笑。 vt. 1.发射(光线、电波)。 2.向…放[播]送。 3.(用雷达)探测。 4.(用波束)导航(飞机等)。 beam the program at America 向美国播送节目。 the sun beaming overhead 红日当头照。 beam upon 看着…微笑。 beam with joy 眉飞色舞,笑逐颜开。
  • "beam on" 中文翻译 :    船侧靠; 微笑
  • "on the beam" 中文翻译 :    必须用泵抽油的; 航向正确; 沿着无线电波束; 正横地
  • "t beam" 中文翻译 :    t 型梁; t 形钢; t型梁; t形梁; t字梁; 丁字梁; 形材(t形钢); 字形梁
  • "t-beam" 中文翻译 :    t形梁; 丁安梁; 丁字梁; 形材(包括t形钢; 字梁形材
  • "t-beam t" 中文翻译 :    型梁
  • "the beam" 中文翻译 :    雄鸡驮木梁
  • "output output" 中文翻译 :    感情的发泄口
  • "annual output ,yearly output" 中文翻译 :    年产量
  • "output-to-output crosstalk" 中文翻译 :    输出对输出串话; 输出对输出的串音,远端串扰
  • "value of output;output value" 中文翻译 :    产值
  • "beam to beam co ection" 中文翻译 :    梁间结合
  • "beam to beam connection" 中文翻译 :    梁间结合


  • If we like to obtain the narrow linewidth parametric beam output , applying soft apertures to input pump beam is helpful , but it will also
  • Based on multi - beam outputs of a time domain wcbb , a time domain wideband high resolution doa estimation method that can be used for arbitrary array is proposed
  • Computer simulation results show that the beamspace wsf algorithm retains the super performance of its element space counterpart when applied to the beam outputs of some practical acoustic - receiving array . 3 . an improved form of classical time domain broadband beamforming is proposed by combining digital delay lines and fir filters
  • The binary optical elements are small , light , easy to be copied and able to realize multi - purpose integrated , especially suits for the beam shaping of laser diode array , thus make us choose it for realizing our system . because single module gaussian beam can be decomposed in a pair of vertical directions , we transform each pair of vertical beams outputted by bars separately , this can make our design easy to achieve
  • Traditional laser iff has poor security because of low frequency of laser beam coded pulse . this can be greatly improved when the pulses are modulated by continuous wave laser , but the power of this laser beam output is so low that it ’ s difficult to be detected and received by laser warning subsystem
  • The angle spectrum of inputting optical signals is received by the input surface of arrayed waveguides . whereas the diffraction process of light beam outputed in slab waveguide is a process of " composing frequency and generating image " . the reason that fraunhofer diffractive pattern can be gained on outputting waveguide surface is that output ends of arrayed waveguide distribute on the arch structure which leads bent phase factor to offset the quadratic phase factor in fresnel diffraction
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